Friday, February 15, 2008

Creating a Site Template

The following details the necessary steps to create a site template. Note that all paths are referencing the start of the 12 hive (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12)

1. Under /TEMPLATE/1033/XML/webtemp_project.xml, add a new template:


Note that DisplayCategory is the tab that the site templates will reside in -- great
for separating for different projects.

2. Go to /SITETEMPLATES/PROJECT/XML/onet.xml, under Configuration node, make a new node, change ID to match the ID for the configuration.

3. Modify the Content Type Provisioning that the default page of the site should be.

4. Add a new module which will define the page layout of the default page.

5. Create the content type (inheriting from Page) and get the Content ID? (ctype) and put it in the onet.xml file.

6. Create ASPX page layout for the site template (if necessary).

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